004: DR JEREMY SHEPPARD - (Former) Head of Strength and Conditioning/Sports Science Manager at Surfing Australia.

Dr Jeremy Sheppard outlines some of the methods he & his team use to train elite level surfers and gives recommendations for exercise and training that complement all levels of surfing, surf longevity and injury prevention.

Summary - Next level surfing requires next level strength, mobility, and athleticism and you can fast track your development using smart strength training and mobility protocols. Jeremy goes into detail on some exercises and benchmarks that have been proven beneficial for surfing. Chin-up strength has a strong correlation to sprint paddling speed - Jeremy goes into detail on this at the 15:40min mark. Top to bottom surfing can be likened to jumping and landing, learning how to jump and land correctly can increase performance and help prevent injury. If you exercise outside of surfing then this is a must listen, if you don't then this episode will inspire you to train.

Show Notes:

Mobility Vid:


Deep Squat Vid:


Gymnastic Push-up Vid:


Gymnastic chin-up Vid:


Great vid that Surfing Australia did on surf training:


Prague School of Physiotherapy:



Foundation Training:



Jeremy did another podcast interview, take a listen here:



For more info about training at the HPC with Jeremy's team click the HPC logo below:

Michael Frampton

Surf Mastery