This workout is for surfers who are new to training –

First warm up:

10 Head rotations (5 each way)
10 Shoulder rolls (5 each way)
10 Right Wrist circles (5 each way)
10 Left Wrist circles (5 each way)
10 Lateral bends (5 each way)
10 Gentle Twists (5 each way)
10 Hula’s (5each way)
10 Knee-chest (5 each side)
10 Right Ankle circles (5 each way)
10 Left Ankle circle (5 each way)
10 Layback 90-90 switches (5 each side)
10 Cat – Cows
5 Push-ups (from knees)
10 Deep squats
10 Side lunges (5 to each side)
10 Dynamic twists
10 Toe touches
30 sec’s of skipping/running on the spot.


The 10 min Workout:

1. Strict Squats – 10 reps – Keep back straight and knees wide.
2. Surf Push-ups – 8 reps –
4. Knee to opposite Elbow (from Plank position) 8 controlled reps (4 each side)
5. Side Lunges – 10 reps each side
6. WYW’s – 8 controlled reps
7. Curtsy Lunges – 10 reps each side
8. Scorpion Plank – 8 controlled reps
9. Deep Squats – 10 reps
10. Alternating – Pop-up Burpees
1 min rest: Balance for 30 sec on each leg.

Repeat  3 times

Video: (part 1)

Michael Frampton

Surf Mastery